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2017-02-05 09:56:54 -05:00
// Package podcast generates a fully compliant iTunes and RSS 2.0 podcast feed
// for GoLang using a simple API.
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
2017-02-02 08:26:51 -05:00
// Full documentation with detailed examples located at https://godoc.org/github.com/eduncan911/podcast
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
2017-02-02 23:25:36 -05:00
// Usage
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
2017-02-05 09:56:54 -05:00
// To use, `go get` and `import` the package like your typical GoLang library.
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// $ go get -u github.com/eduncan911/podcast
2017-02-05 09:56:54 -05:00
// import "github.com/eduncan911/podcast"
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// The API exposes a number of method receivers on structs that implements the
// logic required to comply with the specifications and ensure a compliant feed.
// A number of overrides occur to help with iTunes visibility of your episodes.
// Notably, the `Podcast.AddItem` function performs most
// of the heavy lifting by taking the `Item` input and performing
2017-02-05 09:56:54 -05:00
// validation, overrides and duplicate setters through the feed.
2017-02-02 08:26:51 -05:00
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
// Full detailed Examples of the API are at https://godoc.org/github.com/eduncan911/podcast.
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// Go Modules
// This library is supported on GoLang 1.7 and higher.
// We have implemented Go Modules support and the CI pipeline shows it working with
// new installs, tested with Go 1.13. To keep 1.7 compatibility, we use
// `go mod vendor` to maintain the `vendor/` folder for older 1.7 and later runtimes.
// If either runtime has an issue, please create an Issue and I will address.
2017-02-02 08:41:45 -05:00
// Extensibility
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// For version 1.x, you are not restricted in having full control over your feeds.
// You may choose to skip the API methods and instead use the structs directly. The
// fields have been grouped by RSS 2.0 and iTunes fields with iTunes specific fields
// all prefixed with the letter `I`.
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// However, do note that the 2.x version currently in progress will break this
// extensibility and enforce API methods going forward. This is to ensure that the feed
// can both be marshalled, and unmarshalled back and forth (current 1.x branch can only
// be unmarshalled - hence the work for 2.x).
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// Fuzzing Inputs
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// `go-fuzz` has been added in 1.4.1, covering all exported API methods. They have been
// ran extensively and no issues have come out of them yet (most tests were ran overnight,
// over about 11 hours with zero crashes).
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
// If you wish to help fuzz the inputs, with Go 1.13 or later you can run `go-fuzz` on any
// of the inputs.
// go get -u github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz/go-fuzz
// go get -u github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz/go-fuzz-build
// go get -u github.com/eduncan911/podcast
// cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/eduncan911/podcast
// go-fuzz-build
// go-fuzz -func FuzzPodcastAddItem
// To obtain a list of available funcs to pass, just run `go-fuzz` without any parameters:
// $ go-fuzz
// 2020/02/13 07:27:32 -func flag not provided, but multiple fuzz functions available:
// FuzzItemAddDuration, FuzzItemAddEnclosure, FuzzItemAddImage, FuzzItemAddPubDate,
// FuzzItemAddSummary, FuzzPodcastAddAtomLink, FuzzPodcastAddAuthor, FuzzPodcastAddCategory,
// FuzzPodcastAddImage, FuzzPodcastAddItem, FuzzPodcastAddLastBuildDate, FuzzPodcastAddPubDate,
// FuzzPodcastAddSubTitle, FuzzPodcastAddSummary, FuzzPodcastBytes, FuzzPodcastEncode,
// FuzzPodcastNew
// If you do find an issue, please raise an issue immediately and I will quickly address.
2017-02-03 12:03:48 -05:00
// Roadmap
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
// The 1.x branch is now mostly in maintenance mode, open to PRs. This means no
// more planned features on the 1.x feature branch is expected. With the success of 6
// iTunes-accepted podcasts I have published with this library, and with the feedback from
// the community, the 1.x releases are now considered stable.
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
// The 2.x branch's primary focus is to allow for bi-direction marshalling both ways.
// Currently, the 1.x branch only allows unmarshalling to a serial feed. An attempt to marshall
// a serialized feed back into a Podcast form will error or not work correctly. Note that while
// the 2.x branch is targeted to remain backwards compatible, it is true if using the public
// API funcs to set parameters only. Several of the underlying public fields are being removed
// in order to accommodate the marshalling of serialized data. Therefore, a version 2.x is denoted
// for this release.
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
// Versioning
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
// We use SemVer versioning schema. You can rest assured that pulling 1.x branches will
// remain backwards compatible now and into the future.
// However, the new 2.x branch, while keeping the same API, is expected break those that
// bypass the API methods and use the underlying public properties instead.
2017-03-05 11:18:00 -05:00
2017-02-03 12:03:48 -05:00
// Release Notes
// 1.4.1
// * Implement fuzz logic testing of exported funcs (#31)
// * Upgrade CICD Pipeline Tooling (#31)
// * Update documentation for 1.x and 2.3 (#31)
// * Allow godoc2ghmd to run without network (#31)
// 1.4.0
// * Add Go Modules, Update vendor folder (#26, #25)
// * Add C.I. GitHub Actions (#25)
// * Add additional error checks found by linters (#25)
// * Go Fmt enclosure_test.go (#25)
// 1.3.2
// * Correct count len of UTF8 strings (#9)
// * Implement duration parser (#8)
// * Fix Github and GoDocs Markdown (#14)
// * Move podcast.go Private Methods to Respected Files (#12)
// * Allow providing GUID on Podcast (#15)
2017-02-22 15:27:20 -05:00
// 1.3.1
// * increased itunes compliance after feedback from Apple:
// - specified what categories should be set with AddCategory().
// - enforced title and link as part of Image.
// * added Podcast.AddAtomLink() for more broad compliance to readers.
2017-02-22 15:27:20 -05:00
// 1.3.0
// * fixes Item.Duration being set incorrectly.
// * changed Item.AddEnclosure() parameter definition (Bytes not Seconds!).
// * added Item.AddDuration formatting and override.
// * added more documentation surrounding Item.Enclosure{}
2017-02-15 09:10:55 -05:00
// 1.2.1
// * added Podcast.AddSubTitle() and truncating to 64 chars.
// * added a number of Guards to protect against empty fields.
2017-02-15 09:10:55 -05:00
// 1.2.0
// * added Podcast.AddPubDate() and Podcast.AddLastBuildDate() overrides.
// * added Item.AddImage() to mask some cumbersome addition of IImage.
// * added Item.AddPubDate to simply datetime setters.
// * added more examples (mostly around Item struct).
// * tweaked some documentation.
// 1.1.0
// * Enabling CDATA in ISummary fields for Podcast and Channel.
2017-02-03 12:03:48 -05:00
// 1.0.0
// * Initial release.
// * Full documentation, full examples and complete code coverage.
2017-02-03 12:03:48 -05:00
// References
// RSS 2.0: https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html
// Podcasts: https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itca5b22233
2017-02-02 07:42:33 -05:00
package podcast