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package podcast
import "encoding/xml"
// EnclosureType specifies the type of the enclosure.
const (
M4A EnclosureType = iota
const (
enclosureDefault = "application/octet-stream"
// EnclosureType specifies the type of the enclosure.
type EnclosureType int
// String returns the MIME type encoding of the specified EnclosureType.
func (et EnclosureType) String() string {
// https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
switch et {
case M4A:
return "audio/x-m4a"
case M4V:
return "video/x-m4v"
case MP4:
return "video/mp4"
case MP3:
return "audio/mpeg"
case MOV:
return "video/quicktime"
case PDF:
return "application/pdf"
case EPUB:
return "document/x-epub"
return enclosureDefault
// Enclosure represents a download enclosure.
type Enclosure struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"enclosure"`
// URL is the downloadable url for the content. (Required)
URL string `xml:"url,attr"`
// Length is the size in Bytes of the download. (Required)
Length int64 `xml:"-"`
// LengthFormatted is the size in Bytes of the download. (Required)
// This field gets overwritten with the API when setting Length.
LengthFormatted string `xml:"length,attr"`
// Type is MIME type encoding of the download. (Required)
Type EnclosureType `xml:"-"`
// TypeFormatted is MIME type encoding of the download. (Required)
// This field gets overwritten with the API when setting Type.
TypeFormatted string `xml:"type,attr"`