
462 lines
12 KiB

package podcast
import (
const (
pVersion = "1.3.0"
// Podcast represents a podcast.
type Podcast struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"channel"`
Title string `xml:"title"`
Link string `xml:"link"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"`
Cloud string `xml:"cloud,omitempty"`
Copyright string `xml:"copyright,omitempty"`
Docs string `xml:"docs,omitempty"`
Generator string `xml:"generator,omitempty"`
Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
LastBuildDate string `xml:"lastBuildDate,omitempty"`
ManagingEditor string `xml:"managingEditor,omitempty"`
PubDate string `xml:"pubDate,omitempty"`
Rating string `xml:"rating,omitempty"`
SkipHours string `xml:"skipHours,omitempty"`
SkipDays string `xml:"skipDays,omitempty"`
TTL int `xml:"ttl,omitempty"`
WebMaster string `xml:"webMaster,omitempty"`
Image *Image
TextInput *TextInput
Atom *Atom
// https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
IAuthor string `xml:"itunes:author,omitempty"`
ISubtitle string `xml:"itunes:subtitle,omitempty"`
ISummary *ISummary
IBlock string `xml:"itunes:block,omitempty"`
IImage *IImage
IDuration string `xml:"itunes:duration,omitempty"`
IExplicit string `xml:"itunes:explicit,omitempty"`
IComplete string `xml:"itunes:complete,omitempty"`
INewFeedURL string `xml:"itunes:new-feed-url,omitempty"`
IOwner *Author // Author is formatted for itunes as-is
ICategories []*ICategory
Items []*Item
encode func(w io.Writer, o interface{}) error
// New instantiates a Podcast with required parameters.
// Nil-able fields are optional but recommended as they are formatted
// to the expected proper formats.
func New(title, link, description string,
pubDate, lastBuildDate *time.Time) Podcast {
return Podcast{
Title: title,
Link: link,
Description: description,
Generator: fmt.Sprintf("go podcast v%s (github.com/eduncan911/podcast)", pVersion),
PubDate: parseDateRFC1123Z(pubDate),
LastBuildDate: parseDateRFC1123Z(lastBuildDate),
Language: "en-us",
// setup dependency (could inject later)
encode: encoder,
// AddAuthor adds the specified Author to the podcast.
func (p *Podcast) AddAuthor(name, email string) {
p.ManagingEditor = parseAuthorNameEmail(&Author{
Name: name,
Email: email,
p.IAuthor = p.ManagingEditor
// AddAtomLink adds a FQDN reference to an atom feed.
func (p *Podcast) AddAtomLink(href string) {
if len(href) == 0 {
p.Atom = &Atom{
HREF: href,
Rel: "self",
Type: "application/rss+xml",
// AddCategory adds the category to the Podcast.
// ICategory can be listed multiple times.
// Calling this method multiple times will APPEND the category to the existing
// list, if any, including ICategory.
// Note that Apple iTunes has a specific list of categories that only can be
// used and will invalidate the feed if deviated from the list. That list is
// as follows.
// Arts
// * Design
// * Fashion & Beauty
// * Food
// * Literature
// * Performing Arts
// * Visual Arts
// Business
// * Business News
// * Careers
// * Investing
// * Management & Marketing
// * Shopping
// Comedy
// Education
// * Education Technology
// * Higher Education
// * K-12
// * Language Courses
// * Training
// Games & Hobbies
// * Automotive
// * Aviation
// * Hobbies
// * Other Games
// * Video Games
// Government & Organizations
// * Local
// * National
// * Non-Profit
// * Regional
// Health
// * Alternative Health
// * Fitness & Nutrition
// * Self-Help
// * Sexuality
// Kids & Family
// Music
// News & Politics
// Religion & Spirituality
// * Buddhism
// * Christianity
// * Hinduism
// * Islam
// * Judaism
// * Other
// * Spirituality
// Science & Medicine
// * Medicine
// * Natural Sciences
// * Social Sciences
// Society & Culture
// * History
// * Personal Journals
// * Philosophy
// * Places & Travel
// Sports & Recreation
// * Amateur
// * College & High School
// * Outdoor
// * Professional
// Technology
// * Gadgets
// * Podcasting
// * Software How-To
// * Tech News
// TV & Film
func (p *Podcast) AddCategory(category string, subCategories []string) {
if len(category) == 0 {
// RSS 2.0 Category only supports 1-tier
if len(p.Category) > 0 {
p.Category = p.Category + "," + category
} else {
p.Category = category
icat := ICategory{Text: category}
for _, c := range subCategories {
if len(c) == 0 {
icat2 := ICategory{Text: c}
icat.ICategories = append(icat.ICategories, &icat2)
p.ICategories = append(p.ICategories, &icat)
// AddImage adds the specified Image to the Podcast.
// Podcast feeds contain artwork that is a minimum size of
// 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels,
// 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format with appropriate file
// extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. To optimize
// images for mobile devices, Apple recommends compressing your
// image files.
func (p *Podcast) AddImage(url string) {
if len(url) == 0 {
p.Image = &Image{
URL: url,
Title: p.Title,
Link: p.Link,
p.IImage = &IImage{HREF: url}
// AddItem adds the podcast episode. It returns a count of Items added or any
// errors in validation that may have occurred.
// This method takes the "itunes overrides" approach to populating
// itunes tags according to the overrides rules in the specification.
// This not only complies completely with iTunes parsing rules; but, it also
// displays what is possible to be set on an individual episode level - if you
// wish to have more fine grain control over your content.
// This method imposes strict validation of the Item being added to confirm
// to Podcast and iTunes specifications.
// Article minimal requirements are:
// * Title
// * Description
// * Link
// Audio, Video and Downloads minimal requirements are:
// * Title
// * Description
// * Enclosure (HREF, Type and Length all required)
// The following fields are always overwritten (don't set them):
// * GUID
// * PubDateFormatted
// * AuthorFormatted
// * Enclosure.TypeFormatted
// * Enclosure.LengthFormatted
// Recommendations:
// * Just set the minimal fields: the rest get set for you.
// * Always set an Enclosure.Length, to be nice to your downloaders.
// * Follow Apple's best practices to enrich your podcasts:
// https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itc2b3780e76
// * For specifications of itunes tags, see:
// https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
func (p *Podcast) AddItem(i Item) (int, error) {
// initial guards for required fields
if len(i.Title) == 0 || len(i.Description) == 0 {
return len(p.Items), errors.New("Title and Description are reuired")
if i.Enclosure != nil {
if len(i.Enclosure.URL) == 0 {
return len(p.Items),
errors.New(i.Title + ": Enclosure.URL is required")
if i.Enclosure.Type.String() == enclosureDefault {
return len(p.Items),
errors.New(i.Title + ": Enclosure.Type is required")
} else if len(i.Link) == 0 {
return len(p.Items),
errors.New(i.Title + ": Link is required when not using Enclosure")
// corrective actions and overrides
i.PubDateFormatted = parseDateRFC1123Z(i.PubDate)
i.AuthorFormatted = parseAuthorNameEmail(i.Author)
if i.Enclosure != nil {
i.GUID = i.Enclosure.URL // yep, GUID is the Permlink URL
if i.Enclosure.Length < 0 {
i.Enclosure.Length = 0
i.Enclosure.LengthFormatted = strconv.FormatInt(i.Enclosure.Length, 10)
i.Enclosure.TypeFormatted = i.Enclosure.Type.String()
// allow Link to be set for article references to Downloads,
// otherwise set it to the enclosurer's URL.
if len(i.Link) == 0 {
i.Link = i.Enclosure.URL
} else {
i.GUID = i.Link // yep, GUID is the Permlink URL
// iTunes it
if len(i.IAuthor) == 0 {
if i.Author != nil {
i.IAuthor = i.Author.Email
} else if len(p.IAuthor) != 0 {
i.Author = &Author{Email: p.IAuthor}
i.IAuthor = p.IAuthor
} else if len(p.ManagingEditor) != 0 {
i.Author = &Author{Email: p.ManagingEditor}
i.IAuthor = p.ManagingEditor
if i.IImage == nil {
if p.Image != nil {
i.IImage = &IImage{HREF: p.Image.URL}
p.Items = append(p.Items, &i)
return len(p.Items), nil
// AddPubDate adds the datetime as a parsed PubDate.
// UTC time is used by default.
func (p *Podcast) AddPubDate(datetime *time.Time) {
p.PubDate = parseDateRFC1123Z(datetime)
// AddLastBuildDate adds the datetime as a parsed PubDate.
// UTC time is used by default.
func (p *Podcast) AddLastBuildDate(datetime *time.Time) {
p.LastBuildDate = parseDateRFC1123Z(datetime)
// AddSubTitle adds the iTunes subtitle that is displayed with the title
// in iTunes.
// Note that this field should be just a few words long according to Apple.
// This method will truncate the string to 64 chars if too long with "..."
func (p *Podcast) AddSubTitle(subTitle string) {
if len(subTitle) == 0 {
if len(subTitle) > 64 {
s := []rune(subTitle)
subTitle = string(s[0:61]) + "..."
p.ISubtitle = subTitle
// AddSummary adds the iTunes summary.
// Limit: 4000 characters
// Note that this field is a CDATA encoded field which allows for rich text
// such as html links: <a href="http://www.apple.com">Apple</a>.
func (p *Podcast) AddSummary(summary string) {
if len(summary) == 0 {
if len(summary) > 4000 {
s := []rune(summary)
summary = string(s[0:4000])
p.ISummary = &ISummary{
Text: summary,
// Bytes returns an encoded []byte slice.
func (p *Podcast) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(p.String())
// Encode writes the bytes to the io.Writer stream in RSS 2.0 specification.
func (p *Podcast) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
w.Write([]byte("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"))
atom := ""
if p.Atom != nil {
atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
wrapped := podcastWrapper{
ITUNESNS: "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd",
ATOMNS: atom,
Version: "2.0",
Channel: p,
return p.encode(w, wrapped)
// String encodes the Podcast state to a string.
func (p *Podcast) String() string {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := p.Encode(b); err != nil {
return "String: podcast.write returned the error: " + err.Error()
return b.String()
// // Write implements the io.Writer interface to write an RSS 2.0 stream
// // that is compliant to the RSS 2.0 specification.
// func (p *Podcast) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
// if err := p.Encode(buf); err != nil {
// return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "Write: podcast.encode returned error")
// }
// return buf.Len(), nil
// }
type podcastWrapper struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"rss"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
ATOMNS string `xml:"xmlns:atom,attr,omitempty"`
ITUNESNS string `xml:"xmlns:itunes,attr"`
Channel *Podcast
var encoder = func(w io.Writer, o interface{}) error {
e := xml.NewEncoder(w)
e.Indent("", " ")
if err := e.Encode(o); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "podcast.encode: Encode returned error")
return nil
var parseDateRFC1123Z = func(t *time.Time) string {
if t != nil && !t.IsZero() {
return t.Format(time.RFC1123Z)
return time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123Z)
var parseAuthorNameEmail = func(a *Author) string {
var author string
if a != nil {
author = a.Email
if len(a.Name) > 0 {
author = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", a.Email, a.Name)
return author
var parseDuration = func(duration int64) string {
// TODO: parse the output into iTunes nicely formatted version.
// iTunes supports the following:
// H:MM:SS
// MM:SS
// M:SS
return strconv.FormatInt(duration, 10)